The central focus of biology has shifted from gene to neural science and specifically to the neural bases of the mind. What we commonly call the mind is a set of processes carried out by the brain: knowing these operations in molecular, cellular and system terms it means to decode the mind and its disorders into language of science. Throughout Brain, Mind & Life-international organization activities we document efforts and findings toward that goal.

Of course, we also keep our focus on a mind/body perspective. Linda Faye Lehman coined the term “wholistic medicine” to indicate a total and global approach to the body and mental health of a person. Psychoneuroimmunology, therefore, remain among our favorite study subjects. Lastly, many members of BM&L-International are actively engaged with problems of central nervous system damage and rehabilitation, as you can argue from the Conferences and Events 2013 calendar.

LEARNING BASES AND MEMORY IMPROVEMENT. The NMDA glutamate receptor is considered a molecular device for controlling synaptic plasticity and memory function. The creation of Doogie, the super-intelligent mouse, has demonstrated that it is possible to manipulate a single NMDA receptor subunit for a broad range of learning and memory enhancement. Since then, researchers have further generated NR2B transgenic rats, nicknamed Hobbie-J, which also exhibited larger LTP and similar enhancement in learning and memory. From these experiments originated an ever expanding research field that may one day provide a much-needed solution for treating Alzheimer’s Disease and many other disorders characterized by memory impairment.

MOLECULAR BASIS OF COGNITION. Various neuronal processes, including neurotransmission, intracellular signaling, synaptic remodeling, protein transcription and translation, are all essential for cognition. We are interested in research individuating the relationship between molecular and mental levels. A decline in memory and cognitive function is a natural aspect of aging, and cognitive deficits are comorbid with many mental disorders and neuronal diseases in humans. Mental retardation, attention deficit disorder, autism, schizophrenia, as well as neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, all feature prominent deficits in cognitive abilities. Progress in our understanding of the molecular basis of cognition, aside for a better knowledge of the biology of mind, could provide strategies to slow aging related decline and treat such pathologies by cognitive enhancement.

PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY. Psychoneuroimmunology, which birth date is conventionally reported to 1975 foundation by Robert Ader, may be considered a convergence of disciplines including neuroscience, behavioral sciences, immunology, and endocrinology. In fact, Psychoneuroimmunology is an interdisciplinary field intended to achieve a more complete understanding of the way the interactions among the main systems of our and animal organism serve homeostatic goals and influence health and disease. From intercellular signaling to psychological and psychopathological states of the mind, bridges between brain neurons and immune system cells, as well as between the two and endocrine glands are numerous, and our interest in monitoring all the works exploring new insights in the field is constant.

CURRENT 2002-2004